Thursday, December 24, 2015


For many the Holiday Season is a joyous time . However there are also those that dread these times. These times can be very hard on certain people. There are those that become really depressed when the Holidays come around these times and there are reports of suicide during this period.

Working in a youth facility with Probation and DCFS wards, I see first hand the sadness that grips the kids around these times. Many kids today have had traumatic episodes at home and have gotten caught up into the Juvenile Justice System. 

What's my point? It's at these times that regardless of what someone has done, that we should be more attentive to our youth . Whether incarcerated or living in the home. Our youth today are being challenged on all sides. Peer pressure mixed with emotional instability can be a fuse that ignites someone into a deep depression. These are Heartaches of the Holidays. 

Parents and service providers, we need to pay more attention to these kids. Some are hurting so bad that their ready to explode. We can't afford to give up on them regardless of how hopeless things may seem.   

Let this Christmas Season be a time of bonding with someone that is disadvantaged or incarcerated, young or old. Lets give back and demonstrate true gratitude by going out of our way to put a smile on some kids face. Always remembering that even if it looks like there is no hope, everyone needs to be loved. Lets try to heal those Heartaches of the Holidays.   

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